
May 19, 20201 min

Meeting on a Step

When you start something new, you are never really sure what's going to happen next.

How pleased am I to have started this project.

All the usual fears and nervousness of meeting people, of doing the right thing came to the fore, but there is this wonderful practise, of simply being in the present moment and fully embracing, only figuratively, the people in front of you, whilst social distancing.

In some weird way, this lockdown has brought us closer together. It has allowed people and me to look up from my busy life.

To stop.

To take a breath.

To look at nature.

To be still.

To take things more slowly.

To be more considered.

To take time to be gentler with myself.

Yes there are financial concerns but when there is space, then the creativity flows more freely and how lucky am I, that the beautiful people of my town have come out and let me be with them, at a distance, for a short amount of time.....
